Waiting on Wednesday

“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted on Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

This week’s selection is:

Lover Reborn (Black Dagger Brotherhood Series #10)Lover Reborn by J.R. Ward

Release Date: March 27, 2012


Tohrment, the Brother who had it all, but lost everything to the enemy, is destined for a second chance at love and life. But will the past and his bitterness hold him back?

I love this series!  I am on pins and needs or Tohrment’s story!

What are you waiting on?  How good are you at waiting?

6 thoughts on “Waiting on Wednesday

  1. I really want this one but this will be my first test of standing my ground on what I will spend on an ebook *sigh* I just have all of them on my ereader so I don’t want to break the set up 🙁

  2. Lol this was going to be my WOW this week but then I accidentally posted the wrong one so this will be in two weeks from now since I’m only doing WOW twice a month. I just love the brothers and I can’t wait for his story, we have been waiting FOREVER!!

    Hopefully the wait will be worth it.

    Thanks for sharing this great pick and making me more excited for the release date!

  3. Never read any of J.R. Ward, think her books had too much romance going on for my liking. But I so hope you enjoy this one once you get it!

    Here’s my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  4. I haven’t read any of this series but I know many love it. Hope you enjoy this one once it’s out!

    Our WoW is at Book Sake. –Jessica

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