Q: Define what characteristics your favorite books share. Do they all have a kick ass heroine or is the hot love interest the Alpha Male?
What a great question to get my brain working on a Friday! I enjoy a very diverse cross section of books. Some of my favorites include Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, The Hollows Series by Kim Harrison, Divergent by Veronica Roth, The In Death Series by J.D. Robb and then a bunch on contemporary romance authors. So at first glance, I was thinking that there was not a lot that tied these books together other than a strongly written story. And that they are all very consistent in the writing style and there are no gaps. But now that I sat here and type it out – there is once huge similarity that I had never really noticed. While all of the women leads in the books are incredible different, there are just that extremely strong women. Some able to pass back and forth in time and be able to adjust to the world in a different time period with ease to those who have horrible pasts and have been able to turn their life around to do good. So I guess that the short answer is I like story that portray strong women and their challenges and growth!
What about you?
Yes, I agree! Strong characters are a must!
New follower 🙂
I like seeing strong characters too! Seeing them grow and struggle really brings them more to life than have fantastical easy lives.
Here’s my Friday Hops
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower 🙂
New follower from the blog hop! Yes, strong women are a must for me too! Here is my FF if you’d like to follow back: http://theonceandfuturelibrarian.blogspot.com/2012/02/feature-and-follow-friday-5.html
A ‘kick-ass’ heroine, does not have to be a bitch. AS long as she is strong and sure of herself, and not portrayed as always PMSing on those around her….a strong female, is always necessary for a strong alpha male.
I seem to love books that are all supernatural related or have an element of romance or both..lol..
I saw ur post about The Mers, I am reading it now for the read a thon.
New follower via gfc
Hello! I am a new follower!! Found you via the blog hop! Can’t wait to read your posts!