Diversion Press Blog Tour

I COULDN’T BE HAPPIER that LISA’S WORLD OF BOOKS has decided to host my book, Dakota: A Work In Progress on the first Dakota: A Work In Progress blog tour on April 28th, 2011. Join in on the fun. I will be available throughout the day to answer any questions you may have. You may reach me at Dakotathebook@gmail.com or at wrosencr@nycap.rr.com

About Me


Bill Rosencrans

Dakota: A Work in Progress is a very funny book about the world’s most neurotic dog and it is appropriate for all ages. You will be laughing out loud as you read each short story about this one of a kind golden retriever named Dakota. Stanley Coren – author of How Dogs Think and The Intelligence of Dogs wrote Dakota: A Work in Progress is a cheerful and amusing romp through the life of a manic but sweet and endearing dog. If you love dogs and need a smile this book is for you. Sonny Brewer – author of Cormac, The Tale of a Dog Gone Missing wrote – Bill Rosencrans’ book about his wonder dog Dakota is a long love letter, really. It’s a treat for the rest of us that we get to read of Dakota’s doings over Bill’s shoulder, reminded on every page why we ourselves love our own doggies. This book has been published by Diversion Press and you can order it through any bookstore. The price is $14.95

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Blurb from Amazon:

Diversion PresDSC02030s presents “Dakota: A Work in Progress” by Bill Rosencrans (ISBN 9781935290018) available December 2008 for $14.95. Read about Dakota–the Golden Retriever with spunk and a “popcorn toe”. He will steal your heart and your sandwich, if you aren’t careful. Don’t miss reading about the adventures of Dakota and his owner and author of the book, Bill Rosencrans. Whether you are a dog owner or just love dogs, this book will keep you laughing.

My Thoughts:

This was a fun loving book that demonstrates the love and frustrations and being a dog owner and lover.  It was an interesting format written in a collection of short stories.  All in all, reminded me why I miss having a dog and all of the struggles that pet owners go through each and every day.  The funny antics of Dakota are great and I can just picture them in my head when reading the words.  The books seems to jump off the page.

*Disc louse – I was provided a copy of this book from Diversion Press for my honest opinion of the book.